Throughout this Project you will be working in small teams to create Internet Safety “Lessons” designed for First and Second Graders. At the end of the quarter you will share your Lessons with the class and submit them for a grade. 

Internet Safety Topics:
1. Communication (text, games, email)
2. Searching Safely 
3. Private Information
4. Cyberbullying
5. Copyright (giving credit)
6. Social Media and Online Profile
7. Wireless Networks
8. Protecting your Computer

Check out the videos below as a reminder of these topics.

Once you have watched the videos you will choose your top three Topics of interest. I will do my best to match everyone to one of their top three choices. You will be put into groups of three (3) based on your common interest of topic choice.  

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5

Each group will need to produce Learning Activities for the lesson. These can include:

  • videos
  • worksheets
  • vocabulary
  • games
  • movie
  • activities
  • posters
  • practice
  • quiz
  • puzzles
  • certificates
  • or something else that I will need to approve. 

Project Planning Form

Click here for the PDF

Use this graphic organizer to plan your “Lesson”

Board Builder Graphic Organizer

Group project rubric

Presentation rubric


Use QR codes and create one worksheet where all of your information can be stored.

If you use QR codes make sure that somewhere in the directions you let the user know that he/she will need a device with a QR reader on it. 

Strand: Digital Citizen

Standard: 2.c. demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property

I Can Statements:

I can search online to find information

I can use digital tools to show what I know

I can work collaboratively in a group