Make A Wordle
A “Wordle” or “Word Cloud” is a visual representation of text. It is a picture made up of lots of words that are all related to a certain topic. The most important words are usually bigger and the less important words are smaller. It’s good to know how to make a word cloud because it can help you understand what a big group of words is all about. It’s like a fun way to see which words are used the most.
The fun part is that you get to be creative, the academic part is that you get to show what you know. These are your 2 choices for making your Word Cloud. I recommend playing with both and seeing which features you like better.
Your task today is to make a Word Cloud with AT LEAST 10 words. You can choose your topic and your color scheme and layout. Choose 2 words to make bigger than the other words. Then, save your work and upload it to share.
Don’t forget to upload your finished product
Choose a Picture from the options and fill it in with symmetrical color choices.
If you finish early you may go to the Sponge activities or practice typing sight words:
Strand: Innovative Designer
Standard: 4.d. exhibit a tolerance for ambiguity, perseverance and the capacity to work with open-ended problems.
I Can Statements:
I can stick with a problem until it is solved
I can use the materials around me to help me solve a problem
I can create an original work using a digital tool
I can share my original work using a digital tool